RTMS London Patient Journey

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We are located at 116 Harley Street, in the heart of London’s famous medical district, and offer two main treatments:

  • Repetitive transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
  • Magnetic Shockwave Therapy (MST)

These groundbreaking techniques can be used to treat various pain conditions, as well as chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia and certain symptoms of long covid.

The first step is to make an appointment with Chris Morgan rTMS patient coordinator and clinic manager on enquiries@drstephaniebarrett.com or 020 7730 8508

Before any treatment is started, an accurate diagnosis is essential. You will begin by seeing consultant rheumatologist and founder, Dr Stephanie Barrett, who will take a detailed case history and refer you for further scans or tests if necessary. Once she has all the information that she requires, you will be given a diagnosis, and discuss a treatment plan that works for you.

At this stage, you will have a chance to speak to Elliot Nation, our resident rTMS/MST specialist osteopath. Mr Nation is our lead practitioner and will be able to guide you by answering any questions you may have about your treatment plan. Both Dr Barrett and Mr Nation studied at the University of Maastricht to gain their specialist knowledge of rTMS and MST, helping them to ensure your safety and allowing them to give you the highest possible quality of care throughout your journey.

Once you have decided on a treatment plan that works for you, you will speak our clinic manager Chris Morgan to arrange your appointments. rTMS and MST treatments require different treatment plans, a rough outline of each is detailed below:

  • rTMS usually involves an initial block of 20 sessions. These 30 minute sessions can be given up to three times per day, with a short break in between each one. For the best results, these treatment days should be as close together as possible, ideally finishing the block of 20 within two or three weeks. Included in your treatment programme will be the objective measurements of your progress throughout the sessions of rTMS. This will be carried out every 6 sessions of the rTMS treatment. With the data from these questionnaires, we can measure the improvements which occur throughout the first 20 sessions. Some patients may then choose more than the 20 sessions of rTMS at their review appointment with the consultant.
  • MST is more flexible, with one or two appointments recommended per week initially. We will constantly monitor your progress and ensure that you are heading in the right direction. Our aim is to allow you to achieve and maintain a pain-free state as quickly as possible. These sessions will often involve the prescription of exercises too, to enable you to manage independently going forwards.

We work with the University of Maastricht, London Psychiatry Centre and the London Pain Centre.

Physiotherapy rehabilitation can take place with the excellent London Clinic and our home/gym bespoke physiotherapists, Physiomotion https://www.physiomotion.co.uk/ Tel.020 3422 6655

Post Treatment
After your initial treatment plan has finished, you will return to Dr Barrett for a follow-up consultation. Here you will be able to discuss your results and collaboratively decide on a management plan going forwards. For some, we recommend monthly a maintenance treatment with rTMS, to maintain the excellent results and relief from overall body pain and fatigue.

With peripheral magnetic stimulation / MST the decision for further sessions will be made in our clinic review with your consultant. 

We are very proud of the long-term results we have achieved at rTMS London and ensuring that we offer excellent follow-up care is a key part of this success.

Further background information may be obtained from Chris Morgan our clinic manager on 020 7730 8508 or enquiries@drstephaniebarrett.com and Mr Elliott Nation, RTMS provider and osteopath on 07877 842 363 or rtmsharley@gmail.com

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