Lower Back Pain

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The lower back is an incredibly robust structure, with strong muscles, ligaments and bones combining to provide a connection between the upper and lower body. Despite this, it is the most common site of pain for the general population, and sportspeople are certainly not exempt from injury to this area.

Injuries to the low back are especially common in sports that involve a lot of rotation, such as tennis, golf, cricket and even running, as these tend to put the most force through the area. These can be acute (happen suddenly) or come on gradually, and are often very debilitating because of how much we use our low backs in everyday life.

Although low back pain will usually resolve by itself in time, there are things that can be done to help speed up the recovery time and get you back to your active lifestyle sooner. Obviously, there are many different causes of low back pain, and the treatments for each can vary greatly, so it is important to see a specialist to get an accurate diagnosis.

Why current treatments fail

Rest – Years ago, the standard advice for low back pain was complete rest. Now we know that this is one of the worst things you can do, as the lack of activity causes the structures in the area to become deconditioned and weak – increasing the risk that the injury will return when we go back to activity. While a certain amount of activity modification is useful to allow healing to take place, total rest is very rarely the best solution.

Painkillers – Although they can be helpful in the short term, painkillers simply mask the problem – rather than resolving it. This can be especially problematic is a person is using painkillers to allow themselves to continue with the activity that caused the injury in the first place, as they can put themselves at risk of further injury, or at best delay the healing process.

Stretching – Although stretching can feel good, there is very little evidence that it actually helps to speed up recovery. At best, it appears to give short term relief, but without getting to the root of the problem.

RTMS London

Our solution

RTMS London are the first clinic in the U.K to offer Magnetic Shockwave Therapy (MST). This ground-breaking technology can rapidly relieve musculoskeletal pain, and speed up recovery in ways that simply aren’t possible with hands on work alone. Our dedicated team of specialists will work with you to create a customised treatment plan, including expert rehabilitation advice, to help get you back to your favourite activities as quickly as possible.RTMS London are the first clinic in the U.K to offer Magnetic Shockwave Therapy (MST). This ground-breaking technology can rapidly relieve musculoskeletal pain, and speed up recovery in ways that simply aren’t possible with hands on work alone. Our dedicated team of specialists will work with you to create a customised treatment plan, including expert rehabilitation advice, to help get you back to your favourite activities as quickly as possible.

How it works

Our non-invasive and pain-free MST treatment uses electromagnetic pulses to interact with the nerves deep within the low back, aiding recovery in several ways:

  1. The stimulation of the nervous system causes the muscles of the low back to contract and relax rhythmically, helping to improve blood flow to the area.
  2. MST floods the brain with healthy, non-painful signals, helping to de-sensitise the area and reduce pain in both the short and long term.
  3. The interaction with the nervous system means that even conditions such as sciatica can be effectively treated – something that hands-on work can often struggle to achieve.

Our team love talking about our exciting and innovative treatment, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


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