What causes tennis elbow?

Do you experience pain and tenderness around the outside of your elbow? If so, you might be one of many people suffering from lateral epicondylitis, also known as tennis elbow.

This common condition affects around 1 million people per year in the UK and is most frequently found in 35-54 year-olds. The most common symptoms include weakness in the hand, difficulty fully extending the arm and pain when gripping objects.

Who is most likely to suffer from tennis elbow?

Now, you may be feeling confused. You’re sure these symptoms relate to you, but you’re by no means a regular tennis player. Well, don’t stop scrolling just yet!

Despite what its name suggests, sufferers of tennis elbow aren’t just players of racquet sports. In fact, any activity that puts repetitive strain on the wrist and arm can make people susceptible. This means there are many everyday tasks that could be causing tennis elbow without you even realising. These include:

• Weightlifting
• Painting
• Typing and writing
• Using scissors or shears
• Age-related wear and tear
• Even mixing your post-workout protein shake!

Although it may not seem like much at the time, general overuse of the muscles attached to the elbow can cause strains, tears and inflammation near the elbow joint. So while sportspeople and tradespeople are at a higher risk, the condition can be developed by anyone.

Treatments for tennis elbow

The good news is that tennis elbow is a self-limiting condition, meaning it usually heals by itself within 6 months – 2 years. However, for it to recover fully, it is usually advised that you stop doing the action that irritates it. This is a luxury which is not always available, especially to those whose work depends on the repetitive use of the afflicted arm.

For those looking to return to action faster, there are some active measures you can take to speed up recovery time.


Some people find that an elbow strap can help alleviate tennis elbow symptoms, allowing them to get on with their daily lives. However, their effectiveness is dubious and they only really mask the pain.


Strengthening the area through specialised exercise is generally proven to work. The downside is that, if done incorrectly, it can potentially cause further pain and damage.

Tennis elbow treatment London-based

Thankfully, there are other treatment methods available from pioneers such as RTMS London, which you can check out Here. For more information about tennis elbow treatment London residents trust, speak to a member of our team today.

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